Our Story
“Building Our Winners”
“We are here to help build and support future leaders and voices of the next generation to become leaders and stand-outs within our communities and beyond!”
Coaching Bow’s Story
Coaching Bow is a collective of experienced Black coaches who came together because we all recognised that there was a unique gap. With the raised consciousness and awareness of diversity, equity, equality and inclusion in society which reflects directly within the workplace.
We bring to our clients a body of high calibre professionals with more than 100 years+ combined coaching experience between us, a diverse background so can offer a range of specialisms from, Business Leadership, Management, Private and Public Sectors, Human Resources, Administrative, Finance and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion. Our aim is to create a safe space and expertise to deliver coaching tailored to foster a more inclusive environment and renewed understanding from the top down.
In the wake of George Floyd, BLM and Covid-19 it presented us with a unique opportunity to create change. The unique group of ‘vetted’ professionals came together in an organic way, viewed by the project leader as serendipitous. An opportunity to create a powerful force of highly experienced, uniquely skilled, culturally competent African heritage professionals, who deliver with our USP to a cross-sector market needing bold professionals to unlock the potential within their workforce.

Our Mission, Vision and core Values were revealed. The commitment of the consortium has been forged in a shared vision to inspire, enlighten and empower individuals, departments and companies to provide a fresh and confident approach to inclusion, diversity, equality, leadership and empowerment to enhance the strategic goals of organisations.
We apply the same rigour to ourselves as we offer to our clients, so we have captured and examined who we are and what we offer, then analysed the results which revealed the specialisms of all our coaches. The variety within our coaching team supports our confidence and commitment to deliver the highest standard of coaching to any organisation or individual we work with.
Our array of expertise spans service areas such as Local and Central Government, Housing, Education, Youth Workers, HR, Probation Services, Mental Health and Well-Being, to name a few. In addition to this, our coaches operate internationally and nationally, providing new possibilities and opportunities to organisations and communities with a commitment to creating long lasting change.
Our Values & Beliefs


We are passionate about our delivery of a professional quality service and our ability to inspire and bring about positive change for our clients

We will provide our clients with the freedom to dream beyond their own restrictions and provide a range of possibilities and opportunities to view things from a different perspective.

We create a safe space to empower people to speak freely and express themselves in practice:

Making a difference
We are bold and audacious and bring a different way of thinking.

Tune in to your inner self and trust your intuition and instincts