Anna-May Patterson
Extra Ordinary Psychic Abilities help me to see beyond people’s weaknesses, helping them to tap into their reservoir of inner energy and strength. I support people to see the bigger picture. Get clarity and access a deeper understanding of how they can connect and vibrate on a higher energy level. Release negative belief patterns which hold them back and keep them small. Learn how to access their personal power, express their truth, and transform their lives enabling them to achieve their personal and professional goals. Ground themselves, create a sense of balance and stability in their lives. Develop, empathy, compassion and loving kindness towards themselves and others. I am an energetic being that shines a positive light to help others to find solutions to the challenges they encounter in their lives. I do this by empowering others to believe in themselves and their ability to attract and open their lives to new possibilities. I have a great sense of humour and my passion is about helping others to reduce stress and anxiety by building resilience through meditation, yoga and breathwork.
I am passionate about supporting people to strive for greatness, ‘reach for the sky’ and find their life purpose.